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New Geofence Conditions: Sequence, Speed, Bearing Filters - Featured Image
By Judy Chan | June 02

New Geofence Conditions: Sequence, Speed, Bearing Filters

Flexible and accurate geofences let you connect to your mobile app users wherever their journeys take them. Our team has been hard at work to expand the conditioning power behind the Bluedot location platform. Today, we’re proud to announce new sequence, speed and bearing filters that gives you a better picture of how your users interact with places in their journey.

New in Bluedot’s Release

Sequence Filter

With the sequence filter, you can trigger mobile actions based on the exact order that your customers pass through geofences, Geoline™ technology or beacons.

For retailers out there, you can choose only to engage customers who are coming from the financial district. The sequence filter lets you find out how many customers are starting their journey from the financial district, take the freeway and end up visiting your store. This filter is really useful for brands looking to more accurately track ad attribution or analytics.

To use the sequence filter:

  • On the Bluedot map interface, draw geofences around the locations leading to your store and around the store itself.
  • Open the side bar and click Set Actions + Conditions.
  • Click Notify application, then New Condition. From the dropdown, select Percentage Crossed, where you can activate the sequence filter.
  • For the example below, I entered 100% for Percentage Crossed which lets my app know that I only want to trigger the action if my user has crossed all of the geofences in the zone. I set 30 minutes for the Time Out function, another condition that ensure the mobile action is triggered only if the user completes the journey in that time frame. Lastly, I check the Sequential filter to tell my app that I want the mobile user to cross the geofences in the exact order I listed.
  • To change the sequence, simply go back to the list of geofences. Then drag and drop the geofences into the right order.
  • Remember to save the zone.



Speed Filter

Studies have shown over and over again that personalized mobile experiences drive higher in-app engagement and conversion rates. Imagine it’s a sunny Saturday afternoon and you want to drive in-store sales. Who is more likely to visit your store after receiving a mobile notification? Is it the customer strolling nearby after having lunch down the street or is it the customer driving past at 65 mph on the adjacent freeway?

The new speed filter lets you segment your offers to customers who are walking past, not those driving or passing by on the subway. In other words, you can engage with mobile users based on their mode of transportation.

To use the speed filter:

  • On the Bluedot map interface, draw a geofence or Geoline™ at your desired location.
  • Open the side bar and click Set Actions + Conditions.
  • Click Notify application, then New Condition. From the dropdown, select Speed.
  • For the example below, I want to target pedestrians so I set the speed range to 0-12 miles per hour (0-5 meters per second or 0-18 kilometers per hour). Use the sliders to adjust to the targeted speed, but note the minimum is 0-5 meters per second.
  • A mobile check-in at the location will only occur if someone crosses the geofence while traveling between 0 to 12 miles per hour.
  • Remember to save the zone.



Bearing Filter

There are many use cases where the bearing filter is handy. For one, bearing can help determine where customers are coming from and where they're going. At event venues with multiple entrances, being able to know which one your patrons used can help identify the right marketing message to promote. By turning on the bearing filter, you can control whether to activate a geofence based on the directionality of the user. If you’re using a Geoline™, you can decide whether the tripwire will trigger for customers going North to South or South to North.

To use the bearing filter:

  • On the Bluedot map interface, draw a geofence or Geoline™ at your desired location.
  • Open the side bar and click Set Actions + Conditions.
  • Click Notify application, then New Condition. From the dropdown, select Bearing.
  • For this example, I drew a polygonal geofence around a stadium and would like to target users who are entering at the West entrance. To filter by users traveling East, I set the bearing From angle to 45˚ and the To angle to 135˚. Please note that the minimum difference between the angles should be 90°.
  • With the bearing condition, only users or devices traveling East when they enter the geofence will receive a mobile trigger. Without a specific bearing, users entering the stadium from all directions will trigger a check-in.
  • Complete the steps by saving the zone.



1.9.4 Release

As the most accurate location-as-a-service, we’re always looking to push the boundaries of how we can help you engage where it matters™. With the release of v1.9.4, we brought you sequence, speed and bearing filters to ensure engagement with your users are contextual and relevant. To learn more about these conditions, visit our developer documentation.

If you prefer to get a live demo, sign up here. A Bluedot team member will be happy to help you find the right location service for your business.